The American Journal of Science and Medical Research (AJSMR) follows the COPE Best Practice guidelines and this statement is based on the guidelines and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


This statement should be read in conjunction with the Journal Policies.




Decision on the Publication of Articles: The Editor-in-chief (EIC) of The American Journal of Scientific and Medical Research (AJSMR) is responsible to make the decision regarding the publication of submitted articles. The EIC may be guided by the policies of the journal's editorial board and subjected to such legal requirements. The Editor is authorized to carry out the decision in consultation with reviewers and editorial board members.


Fair play: The manuscripts should be evaluated solely on their intellectual merit without regard to the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy.


Confidentiality: The Editor and editorial staff must not disclose any information about a manuscript that is submitted to the journal to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate. The editor must ensure the integrity of double-blind peer-review and should not disclose the identity of the reviewers to the authors of that manuscript, and vice versa.


Disclosure and conflicts of interest: Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used by the editor or reviewer or anyone else who has a view of the manuscript while handling it in his or her own research without the express written consent of the author.




Contribution of Peer Review: Peer review assists the editor in making editorial decisions and editorial communications help the author to improve his paper.


Promptness: If a selected reviewer feels unqualified to review an article he/she should notify the Editor-in-Chief and should not take part in the review process. Reviews will be expected to be professional, honest, courteous, prompt, and constructive, their judgment should be objective.


Confidentiality: Manuscripts assigned to a reviewer must be treated as confidential documents. The manuscript(s) must not be shown to or discussed with, others except as authorized by the Editor in Chief.


Standards of Objectivity: Reviews should be conducted objectively. There shall be no personal criticism of the author. Reviewers should express their views clearly with supporting arguments……….


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