Original Research Article I Volume 4 I Issue 3 I 2018
Bacteria population in Industrially Polluted Soils in Kallur, Khammam
B. Lalitha Kumari
The American Journal of Science and Medical Research 4(3) Page 24-27
In the present study on microbial and plant diversification in polluted soil system and soils were assessed.Bacteria are most numerous of the microorganisms present in the soil and form about 25% of the total microbial biomass(range 10-40%) with variable populations estimates to be 2 * 10 8 cells g -1 soil (range 10 6 to 10 9). The bacteria are nutritionally and physiologically diverse and dominant group of microorganisms in soil and their biomass is generally exceeds the fungal biomass in soil. The diversity of bacterial community in soil as revealed by using DNA re association analysis technique is as much as 170 folds greater than reveled by the bacterial isolates from soil.
Industry, polluted soils
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Article Dates:
Received: 18 July, 2018; Accepted: 23 August, 2018; Published: 30 September, 2018
How To Cite:
http://dx.doi.org/10.17812/ajsmr436 Received :18 July, 2018 Accepted; 23 August, 2018 Available online :30September, 2018