Original Research Article I Volume 4 I Issue 3 I 2018
Facile and Efficient Synthesis of Benzimidazoles Using Zinc Acetate
B. Praveen Kumar, Y. Venkateswarlu and J. Madhukar
The American Journal of Science and Medical Research; 4(3); 16-19
Benzimidazoles have been efficiently synthesized in high yields by treatment of 1,2-phenylenediamine with aldehydes using Zinc acetate in acetonitrile. An absolute testing was carried out with ortho-phenylenediamine and 3,4,5-trimethoxy benzaldehyde in the absence of the catalyst zinc acetate and the essential 3,4,5-trimethoxy benzimidazole product was not establish even after stirring for 15 hours.Aromatic aldehydes responded very well to afford the consistent products of benzimidazole derivatives in very good to outstanding yields. In overall, the aromatic aldehydes having electron donating groups and electron withdrawing groups are reacting very healthy.
Benzimidazoles, aldehydes,orthophenylenediamine, Zinc Acetate.
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Article Dates:
Received: 2 July 2018 ; Accepted: 11 August 2018 ; Published: 30 September 2018
How To Cite:
http://dx.doi.org/10.17812/ajsmr434 Received :2 July, 2018 Accepted; 11 August, 2018 Available online :30September, 2018