Original Research Article I Volume 3 I Issue 2 I 2017
Development of Competence In Teaching Skills - An Integrated Approach
Yalavarthi Nirmala
The American Journal of Science and Medical Research; 3(2); 30-35
Educationists have realized that having competent teachers who possess necessary knowledge, skills and attitude is more important than having ample number of teachers with inadequate expertise. Teachers may have rich knowledge of their subject, but the way they transmit that knowledge effectively to the students makes them competent teachers. For this, pre-service teachers need to acquire expertise in using various teaching skills before they teach in real classroom situations. Teaching has its repertoire of skills. Hence there is a need for a microteaching environment in teacher preparation courses which enables pre-service teachers to practise these skills under controlled laboratory setting. Efforts are being made to identify the required teaching skills which a teacher should master for effective teaching. This article presents an outline of the various steps of microteaching, core teaching skills, and the conceptual framework for practising skills in relation to subject matter and teaching strategies in science. It also discusses how this framework provides an insight into the education and training to develop competence in various teaching skills in science and how it helps to develop decision making ability in teaching by deciding on ‘what, when and how’ of teaching strategies and skills.
Competence, Integrated Approach, Microteaching, Teaching Skills
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Article Dates:
Received: 12 April 2017; Accepted: 5 June 2017 ; Published: 30 June 2017
How To Cite:
Yalavarthi Nirmala. 2017. Development of Competence in Teaching Skills – An Integrated Approach. The Ame J Sci & Med Res, 3(2):30-35. doi:10.17812/ajsmr3208.