Original Research Article I Volume 3 I Issue 2 I 2017
Role of Calotropis procera [Arka] An ayurvedic drug in treatement Of HIV/AIDS patients 10+10
The American Journal of Science and Medical Research; 3(2); 15-19
Calotropis procera (Asclepia daceae) popularly known as ARKA possess unique medicinal properties. Its leaves are used in India from ancient times. The plant contains many bioactive compounds of medicinal significance. This prompted me to study its role in the treatment of HIV patients. A (Three to five months) study from june 2006 of diagnosed HIV patients, attending OPD of our centre Arogyadham in 20 patients was undertaken (10 cases in experimental group received three grains powdered leaves of C. procera, with routine ART,AKT, ART+AKT, general &nutritional supportive treatment. Other remaining 10 cases, who also received ART, AKT, ART + AKT, general & multivitamin therapy served as control group). Patients were clinically and systematically examined. They were investigated for routine blood examination, x-ray chest, weight and CD4 counts, weight gain and O.I. (Opportunistic Infection) was done and recorded before and afterwards. The leaves of Calotropis procera which were dried and given in the dosage of grain 3 twice daily to each patient continuously minimum of 3-5 months. These leaves of Calotropis procera were collected from the surrounding area of Falna. This study reveals significant rise in weight gain, CD4 counts and significant decrease in opportunistic infection. Rise in CD4 counts by ayurvedic herbal drug calotropis procera indicated its probable role as antiviral, as an immunomodulator drug , it dose not interact with ART and is compatible and synergistic in action with ART (Zidovudin, Lamivudin and Nevirapine and Stavudin) and AKT therapy it is cheap & non toxic in low doses as used in our study. Should be given under supervision of an authorized person, with a word of cautin. This proves the effect of Calotropis procera on HIV- 1 probably bioactive compounds present in the leaves of Calotropis procera are interfering replication of HIV-1 2.86 percent, after 3-5 month period, as compared to base line. However similar pattern is visible in control group but at a relatively lower growth rates of 4.089 surprisingly, this gain in body weight is statistically insignificant in herbal treated groups but significant in control group.
Calotropis procera, CD4, AKT, ART, HIV/AIDS
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Article Dates:
Received: 1 May 2017;; Accepted: 11 June 2017; Published: 30 June 20177
How To Cite:
G.S.Chouhan (2016). Role of calotropis procera [arka] An ayurvedic drug in treatement Of hiv/aids patients 10+10 The Ame J Sci & Med Res, 3(2):15-19. doi:10.17812/ajsmr3205.