Original Research Article I Volume 1 I Issue 4 I 2015
Effects of various soil management practice on earthworm population structure across rainy and post-rainy seasons under the maize crop
V. Srinivas Reddy, N. Venu and M. Vikram Reddy
American Journal of Science and Medical Research; 1(4); 120-128
Earthworms are known for their beneficial role in the soil system since the time immemorial. The present investigation was undertaken to assess the effects of various soil management practice on earthworm population structure, both number and biomass (wet), across rainy and postrainy seasons under the maize crop.
Earthworm, Rainy and Post-rainy seasons, Maize crop, Biomass
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Article Dates:
Received: 2 October 2015; Accepted: 9 November 2015; Published: 12 November 2015
How To Cite:
V. Srinivas Reddy, N. Venu and M. Vikram Reddy (2015). Effects of various soil management practice on earthworm population structure across rainy and post-rainy seasons under the maize crop. The American Journal of Science and Medical Research, 1(4):120-128. doi:10.17812/ajsmr2015143. Received 2 October, 2015; Accpeted 9 November, 2015 Published online 12 November, 2015