Original Research Article I Volume 10 I Issue 2 I 2024

Sustainable Water Resource Management and Conservation

Raju Porika and Rajitha Tungani

The American Journal of Science and Medical Research (2024), 10(2); 7-10

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11075572


Water is precious natural resource for sustaining life and environment. Effective and sustainable management of water resources is vital for ensuring sustainable development. In view of the vital importance of water for human and animal life, for maintaining ecological balance and for economic and developmental activities of all kinds, and considering its increasing scarcity, the planning and management of water resource and its optimal, economical and equitable use has become a matter of the utmost urgency. Management of water resources in India is of paramount importance to sustain one billion plus population. Water management is a composite area with linkage to various sectors of Indian economy including the agricultural, industrial, domestic and household, power, environment, fisheries and transportation sector. The water resources management practices should be based on increasing the water supply and managing the water demand under the stressed water availability conditions. For maintaining the quality of freshwater, water quality management strategies are required to be evolved and implemented. Decision support systems are required to be developed for planning and management of the water resources project. India has 16% of the world’s population and only 4% of the world’s water resources, which are depleting rapidly. The demand for water is expected to grow from 40 billion cubic metres (bcm) currently to around 220 bcm in 2025. Water is one of the most important inputs essential for crops. Both its shortage and excess affects the growth and development of the plants, yields and quality of produce. There are numerous methods to reduce such losses and to improve soil moisture.


Water Conservation, Water Demand Management, Water Resource Planning, Water, Conservation, Technology, Rainwater-Harvest, Drip-Irrigation.


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Article Dates:

Received: 18 January 2024; Accepted: 21 February 2024; Published: 05 April, 2024

How To Cite:

Porika, R et al. (2024). Sustainable Water Resource Management and Conservation. The American Journal of Science and Medical Research, 2024. 10(2), 7–10.https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11075572

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