Modern Agricultural Technology, Its Importance, Usage for the Improvement of Agriculture

Raju Porika, Rajitha Tungani

The American Journal of Science and Medical Research, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2024, pp 1-4



The new or modern technology in agriculture sector can substantially improve the agricultural production and sustainability, for instance best management practices for improvement of agriculture are widely applied nowadays. However, the modern technology is changing the way that humans operate the machines, GPS locators, as computer monitoring systems and self-steer programs allow the most advanced tractors and implements to be more precise and less wasteful in the use of fuel, fertilizer or seed. In future, there may be mass production of driverless tractors and other agriculture machinery which use electronic sensors and GPS maps. The Biotechnology and genetic engineering have resulted in pest resistance and increased crop yields. Mechanization has led to efficient tilling, harvesting, and a reduction in manual labour. Modern technology in agriculture has increased production and productivity. This in turn has improved food security and income for farmers. In addition, it has helped create new jobs and improve the quality of life for rural communities. On-farm, precision agriculture technologies can minimize inputs required for a given yield. For example, variable – rate application (VRA) technologies. A number of empirical studies find that VRA improves input use efficiency. Modern agricultural technology has been developed with keeping two important things in mind: first thing is to obtain the highest yields possible and, second thing is to get the highest economic profit possible.


Modern Technology Gross Domestic Product Pesticides, Crop Sensors, Biotechnology And Inorganic Fertilizers..


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Article Dates:

Received: 25 November 2023; Accepted: 11 January 2024; Published: 18 January, 2024

How To Cite:

Porika, R. (2024). Modern Agricultural Technology, Its Importance, Usage for the Improvement of Agriculture. In The American Journal of Science and Medical Research (, Vol. 10, Number 1, pp. 1–4).

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